Safe, Inclusive Participative Pedagogy: Improving early childhood education


Kristina Konstantoni


University of Edinburgh

Kristina Konstantoni is a Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies at Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh. Kristina teaches on the BA in Childhood Practice, the MSc in Education (Early childhood practice and Froebel pathway) and the MSc in Transformative Learning and Teaching. Kristina is a member of Childhood and Youth Studies, the co-founder and co-lead of the Early Years Research, Policy and Practice Group, the co-director and co-founder of the Anti-Racist Early Years Collective and a member of RACE.ED. Kristina’s research interests include children’s rights, childhoods and intersectionality; children’s human rights in informal learning public play spaces like community and business play-cafés; and children and young people’s human rights and participation in research, practice and policy-making. She works both in Scotland and with cross-national partners in such places as Greece, Brazil, Eswatini, South Africa, Palestine, and Germany. Kristina brings her experience in Knowledge Exchange to the SIPP research team.