Young children face deep inequalities and are often deprived of their rights, especially in challenging contexts. Early intervention and prevention have become key international drivers for shaping early childhood policies and practices to address inequalities. In particular, high quality ECE can be a protective factor for children against the negative effects of poverty and other inequalities (including gender) and improve long-term developmental and employment outcomes.
The importance of ensuring that early childhood education programmes are targeted, equitable and inclusive is paramount, with one of the biggest challenges being to ‘reach the poorest, most remote and marginalised children’ and to ensure high quality early childhood provision even in the most ‘challenging ’settings. In response, governments across the world have been moving to compulsory pre-school and early learning; this created a pivotal moment for: a) understanding the challenges/opportunities for such provision in different contexts; and b) radically rethinking future directions of ECE globally. Significant implementation questions arose: quality of learning experiences and professional support; culturally meaningful and appropriate pedagogy; and the affordability, inclusivity, accessibility and sustainability of ECE provision. These issues have only become more pertinent in recent years, with the pressures of, and responses to, the COVID-19 pandemic.
This project concentrated on children (and their families) below the age of compulsory primary schooling in four different ODA settings with particular challenging settings. This choice was deliberate, as children under 5 tend to be the least provided for, especially within ODA countries and challenging settings where significant challenges emerge regarding ECE provision. We focused on formal ECE settings but also the intersecting and vital contributions of households, extended families, more informal sources of childcare and community resources.
SIPP used mixed method approaches to identify and develop safe, inclusive participative pedagogy that was implementable in challenging contexts and sustainable for governments, communities and families. The project was guided by four sets of research questions and organised into six Workstreams.
University of Bethlehem
University of Edinburgh
Senior Research Fellow
University of Eswatini
Community engagement and participation were at the heart of the SIPP project. Each country established approaches to community engagement that worked in their local context to minimise and address local issues of power, hierarchies and inequalities, and facilitate intergenerational dialogue.
In order to understand the structural and systemic factors that affect early childhood education, each country undertook a policy and systems analysis at national and community case study levels. The project extended a social policy approach to early childhood education, adding in concerns about children’s human rights, violence prevention and children’s experiences of intersecting inequalities (gender, ethnicity, disability, age etc.).
Each of the 4 country partners conducted a case study in one or more local communities. The community case study included:
In addition to each country team synthesising learning across its own data, the project drew comparisons across countries for conceptual and practical learning. Through this, we developed a multidimensional understanding of inclusive participative pedagogy and its potential ECE applications.
This WS explored the burden of violence against young children (0-5) and its impact on transitioning from ECE to formalised education and on educational, health and wellbeing outcomes later in childhood, adolescence and further into adulthood.
This workstream included:
Knowledge exchange and resource development was embedded across the project, including both capacity building within the team and sharing our learning more widely.
Main outputs developed included: