Safe, Inclusive Participative Pedagogy: Improving early childhood education

The prevalence of violence against children in the early years: findings from a systematic review

Thu 07 Sep 2023 |3:00pm - 4:00pm BST Online

This event was organised in the past

Early childhood is a critical period for all children – significant for young children’s rights in the here and now, for children’s future educational, economic and health outcomes, and ultimately societal flourishing. By systematically locating and synthesizing research evidence on the prevalence of violence against children in the early years (i.e., 5 years and under), this systematic review aims to understand the magnitude of violence against children in the early years in order to contribute to the evidence base on how to create safe, inclusive learning environments for this age group.


Deborah Fry, Professor, Director of Data, Childlight – Global Child Safety Institute, Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh

Mengyao Lu, Research Fellow, Childlight – Global Child Safety Institute, Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh